Former Fellows

Harry Adams
Horace Bushnell Professor Emeritus of Christian Nurture

Edward Adelberg
Professor Emeritus of Human Genetics

Sidney Altman
Sterling Professor Emeritus of Molecular Cell & Developmental Biology Professor of Chemistry

Vincent Androile
Professor Emeritus of Medicine

Walter Anyan
Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics

David Apter
Henry J. Heinz Professor Emeritus of Comparative Political and Social Development

Robert Arnstein
Chief Emeritus of Yale University Health Service

Colin Atterbury
Professor Emeritus of Medicine

William Bailey
Professor Emeritus of Art

Paul Barash
Professor Emeritus of Anesthesiology

Richard C. Barker
Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering & Applied Physics

Beatrice Bartlett
Professor Emerita of History

David Bartlett
J. Edward and Ruth Cox Lantz Professor Emeritus of Christian Communication

Wendell Bell
Professor Emeritus of Sociology 

Robert Berner
Professor Emeritus of Geology and Geophysics

Jerome Berson
Sterling Professor Emeritus of Chemistry

Sidney Blatt
Professor Emeritus of Psychology

John Blum
Sterling Professor Emeritus of History

Philip Bondy
Professor Emeritus of Medicine

Marie Borroff
Sterling Professor Emeritus of English

Arthur Broadus
Professor Emeritus of and Senior Research Scientist in Medicine (Endocrinology)

Gerard Burrow
Dean Emeritus and David Paige Smith Professor of Medicine

Robert Burt
Professor Emeritus of Law

Walter Cahn
Carnegie Professor Emeritus of the History of Art 

Zoe N. Canellakis
Senior Research Scientist Emerita in Medicine

Bernard Chaet
William Leffingwell Professor Emeritus of Painting

W. Knox Chandler
Professor Emeritus of Cellular And Molecular Physiology

William Chupka
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry

Charles Elias Clark
Lafayette S. Foster Professor Emeritus of Law

Morris L. Cohen
Professor and Librarian Emeritus of Law

Harold Conn
Professor Emeritus of Medicine

Harold C. Conklin
Crosby Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and Sociocultural Anthropology

John W. Cook
Professor Emeritus of Religion and the Arts

Jack R. Cooper
Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology 

Donald Currier
Professor Emeritus of Pianoforte 

Robert Dahl
Sterling Professor Emeritus of Political Science

David Brion Davis
Yale Sterling Professor Emeritus of American History 

Nigel W. Daw
Professor Emeritus of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Drew S. Days, III
Alfred M. Rankin Professor Emeritus of Law

Nigel Daw
Professor Emeritus of Ophthalmology and Visual Science

Peter Demetz
Sterling Professor Emeritus of  Germanic Languages and Literatures

Arthur Dubois
Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology (Environmental Health)

Thomas P. Duffy
Professor Emeritus of Internal Medicine

Manuel Duran
Professor Emeritus of Spanish and Portuguese

Stephen Edberg
Professor Emeritus of Laboratory Medicine

Richard Ehrenkranz
Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics (Neonatology) and of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences

Alvin Eisenman
Street Professor Emeritus of Painting and Design 

Frank Firk
Professor Emeritus of Physics

William J. Foltz
H.J. Heinz Professor Emeritus of African Studies and Political Science

Charles Forman
D. Willis James Professor Emeritus of Missions

Bernard G. Forget
Professor Emeritus of Internal Medicine (Hematology)

Allen Forte
Professor Emeritus of the Theory of Music

Arthur Galston
Eaton Professor Emeritus of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology &
Professor Emeritus of Forestry and Environmental Studies

Creighton Gilbert
Professor Emeritus of the History of Art 

Gilbert Glaser
Professor Emeritus of Neurology

Ingeborg Glier
Professor Emerita of Germanic Languages and Literatures

Caleb Gonzàlez
Professor Emeritus of Ophthalmology and Visual Science

William Hallo
William M. Laffan Professor Emeritus of Assyriology and Babylonian Literature

Cyrus Hamlin
Professor Emeritus German and Comparative Literature

Benjamin Harshav
Professor Emeritus of Hebrew Language and Literature

Geoffrey H. Hartmann
Sterling Professor Emeritus & Senior Research Scholar of English and Comparative Literature

John P. Hayslett
Professor Emeritus of Medicine

Norvin Hein
Professor Emeritus of Divinity and Religious Studies

Arvid Herzenberg
Professor Emeritus Applied Physics and Physics

Graeme L. Hammond
Professor Emeritus of Surgery 

John Hollander
Sterling Professor Emeritus of English

Joseph F. Hoffman
Eugene Higgins Professor Emeritus of Cellular and Molecular Physiology

J. Michael Holquist
Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature

Emilia Hramov
Professor Emeritus of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Stanley Insler
Salisbury Professor Emeritus of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology

Robert L. Jackson
B. E. Bensinger Professor Emeritus of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Peter Jatlow
Professor Emeritus of, and Senior Research Scientist, in the Departments of Laboratory Medicine and Psychiatry

Donald Kagan
Sterling Professor Emeritus of Classics and History

Fred Kantor
Paul B. Beeson Professor Emeritus of Medicine (Immunology)

John A. Kirchner
Professor Emeritus of Otolaryngology

Martin J. Klein
Eugene Higgins Professor Emeritus of the History of Physics and
Professor Emeritus of Physics

Charles Krigbaum
Professor Emeritus of Music

Ernest Kohorn
Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Services

Howard Lamar
Sterling Professor Emeritus of History

Ezra Laderman
Professor Emeritus of Composition

Peter Lengyel
Professor Emeritus of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry

Aaron Lerner
Professor Emeritus of Dermatology

Lowell Levin
Professor Emeritus and Lecturer in Public Health

Robert Levine
Professor of Internal Medicine 

Howard Levitin
Professor Emeritus of Internal Medicine

William Lichten
Professor Emeritus of Physics

Juan Linz
Sterling Professor Emeritus of Political and Social Science

George Lord 
George M. Bodman Professor Emeritus of English Literature

Bernard Lytton
Donald Guthrie Professor Emeritus of Surgery

Ramsay MacMullen
Dunham Professor Emeritus of History

George Mahl
Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Psychology

Ruth Barcan Marcus
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy

William J. McGuire
Emeritus Professor of Psychology

Peter McPhedran
Professor Emeritus of Laboratory Medicine and Associate Research Scientist in Internal Medicine

Wayne Meeks
Woolsey Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies

John Middleton
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology

David Montgomery
Farnam Professor Emeritus of History 

Edmund S. Morgan
Sterling Professor Emeritus of History

Daniel Mostow
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Thomas Ogletree
Frederick Marquand Professor Emeritus of Theological Ethics

Lee Patterson
Frederick W. Hilles Professor Emeritus of English

Howard Pearson
Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics 

David Pease
Street Professor Emeritus of Painting

Merton Peck
Thomas DeWitt Cuyler Professor Emeritus of Economics

Charles Perrow
Professor Emeritus of Sociology 

Martin Price
Sterling Professor Emeritus of English

William H. Prusoff
Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology

Jerome Pollitt
Sterling Professor Emeritus of Classical Archeology and History of Art

Leopold Pospisil
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology

Charles Radding
Professor Emeritus of Genetics

Gustav Ranis
Frank Altschul Professor Emeritus of International Economics

Fred C. Robinson
Douglas Tracy Smith Professor Emeritus of English

Gordon Rogoff
Professor Emeritus in the Practice of Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism

Daniel Rowe
Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics and Epidemiology and Public Health 

Francis Hugh Ruddle
Professor Emeritus of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology 

Letty Russell
Professor Emerita of Theology

Bruce Russett
Professor Emeritus of Political Science

Jeffrey L. Sammons
Leavenworth Professor Emeritus of German Literature

Herbert E. Scarf
Sterling Professor Emeritus of Economics

Alexander M. Schenker
Professor Emeritus of Slavic Linguistics

Harold Scheffler
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology

Peter Schultheiss
Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering

James C. Scott
Sterling Professor Emeritus of Political Science and of Anthropology 

John Simon
Augustus Lines Professor Emeritus of Law

Jerome Singer
Professor Emeritus of Psychology 

George Schoolfield
Professor Emeritus of 
German and Scandinavian Literature

Sebastian Shaumyan
Professor Emeritus of Linguistics

Michael Sheard
Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry

Martin Shubik
Seymour H. Knox Professor Emeritus of Mathematical Institutional Economics

Oktay Sinanoğlu
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, Molecular Biophysics, and Biochemistry

William Hurt Sledge
George D. and Esther S. Gross Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry

Gaddis Smith
Larned Professor Emeritus of History

John Edwin Smith
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy

Charles Sommerfield
Professor Emeritus of Physics

Wayne Southwick
Professor Emeritus of Orthopaedic Surgery 

Jonathan Spence
Sterling Professor Emeritus of History

Howard M. Spiro
Professor Emeritus of Medicine

Edward Stankiewicz
Professor Emeritus of Linguistics

Robert Szczarba
Percy F. Smith Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Gregory H. Tignor
Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases)

Leonard Thompson
Charles J. Stillé Professor Emeritus of History

Robert Thompson
Professor Emeritus in the History of Art and African American Studies

Alan Trachtenberg
Neil Gray Jr. Professor of English and Professor Emeritus of American Studies

Karl K. Turekian
Sterling Professor Emeritus of Geology and Geophysics 

Henry Turner
Charles J. Stillé Professor Emeritus of History

George Veronis
Professor Emeritus in the Department of Geology & Geophysics 

Allan R. Wagner
James Rowland Angell Professor Emeritus Psychology

Piotr Wandycz
Professor Emeritus of History

Harry H. Wasserman
Eugene Higgins Professor Emeritus of Chemsitry

Talbot Waterman
Professor Emeritus of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

Alexander Welsh
Emily Sanford Professor Emeritus of English

Stanley Weinstein
Professor Emeritus of Buddhist Studies

H. Bradford Westerfield
Damon Wells Professor Emeritus of International Studies 

Stanton Wheeler
Ford Foundation Professor Emeritus of Law and the Social Sciences

Raymond Yesner
Professor Emeritus of Pathology

Barry Zaret
Robert W. Berliner Professor Emeritus of Medicine