Harvey Goldblatt

Harvey Goldblatt is Professor of Medieval Slavic Literatures in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Yale University. A student of the eminent Italian Slavist Riccardo Picchio, who taught at Yale for two decades, Professor Goldblatt is the author of numerous publications on general problems of language debates in the Slavic world as well as on specific works that deal with language speculation in and the literary patrimony of the Orthodox Slavic community (“Slavia Orthodoxa”). His research interests extend from medieval Bulgarian and Serbian literature to the medieval and premodern East-Slavic heritage. Current projects include various aspects of the Cyrillo-Methodian literary tradition as well as a major study on the “Lay of Igor's Campaign,” which will be published by the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. A two-volume collection of his studies appeared in print in Poland in 2020, under the title “Studies on the Medieval and Premodern Literary Civilization of Russia and Ukraine.” A volume of his articles on the writings and thought of the Ukrainian monk and cultural activist St. Ivan Vyšens´kyj soon will be published, in Ukrainian, by the Kyivan publishing house “Krytyka”; and the first English translation of the monk’s complete writings will appear in the “Harvard Library of Early Ukrainian Literature.” A collection of his studies, in Russian, will be published in the series “Contemporary Western Rusistika Series” under the auspices of the “Academic Studies Press.” Finally, a multi-volume collection that contains sixty of Riccardo Picchio´s studies, all translated into English and annotated by Professor Goldblatt, will appear in early 2022.