The Yale Henry Koerner Center is pleased to announce the opening of a second exhibition during the 2022–23 academic year to mark the twentieth anniversary of the dedication of the center.
On display through April 14, 2023, The Prints and Watercolor Paintings of Daniel E. Rosner features seventy-five years of Professor Daniel Rosner’s activity in the visual arts, to include forty-five years as professor of engineering at Yale, and seven of the artist’s best-known prints. The collection of thirty-two works includes twenty-five which are focused on iconic Yale University architecture, fifteen of which were recently gifted by Professor Rosner and his wife, Susan, to the Koerner Center. In his artist statement, Professor Rosner writes, “Looking back on my personal tastes in the visual arts, I have certainly been influenced by viewing and contemplating the work of many national and international predecessors, spanning more than three centuries. It is therefore comforting to imagine that this collection and the accompanying archival catalogue, catalyzed in so many ways by Yale University, may leave a figurative mark on both present and future viewers.”
Koerner Center director Gary Haller reflects in his introduction to the catalogue: “I was eager to get these [works] on our walls and to get this catalogue in print. I am also very pleased to have any exhibition of art by a Yale scientist or engineer because our disciplines are often thought to be incompatible with artistic inclusion, but Dan and I are telling you that you should broaden your understanding of a Yale scientist or engineer. Let us enjoy and exercise our enthusiasm for participation in the arts, albeit with different roles.”
Exhibition open by invitation or appointment; call (203) 432-8227. To view the exhibition catalogue, click here.